1896舞台劇『大列車強盗』スコット・マーブル Scott Marble

監督・撮影 エドウィン・S・ポータ Edwin Stanton Porter エジソンのカメラマン

[action of each scene]


Scene 1
Interior of railroad telegraph office. Two masked robbers enter and compel the operator to set the `signal block' to stop the approaching train, also making him write a fictitious order to the engineer to take water at this station....強盗たちが駅舎を襲撃。強盗は画面左から右へ、汽車は右から左へ。
Scene 2
At the railroad water tank. The bandit band are seen hiding behind the tank as a train stops to take water (according to false order). Just before she pulls out they stealthily board the train between the express car and the tender.給水棟。列車に侵入。列車は右から左へ移動。
Scene 3
Interior of express car.... the two robbers have succeeded in effecting an entrance. They enter cautiously. The messenger opens fire on them. A desperate pistol duel takes place, in which the messenger is killed. One of the robbers stands watch while the other tries to open the treasure box. Finding it locked, he searches the messenger for the key. Not finding it, he blows the safe up with dynamite.... 貨物車内で銃撃戦。強盗は左から右へ、乗務員は右から左へ発砲。
Scene 4
The fight on the tender. This thrilling scene was taken from the mail car showing the tender and interior of locomotive cab, while the train is running forty miles an hour....機関車は画面奥に進行。機関車へ乱入。強盗は画面下から上へ移動し、次々に乗務員を始末。
Scene 5
The train uncoupled....機関車を停止させ、貨車を切り離し。
Scene 6
Exterior of passenger coaches. The bandits compel the passengers to leave coaches with hands aloft, and line up along the tracks. One of the robbers covers them with large pistols in either hand, while the others ransack travelers' pockets. A passenger makes an attempt to escape, but is instantly shot down....乗客乗員を列車から降ろし、金品を強奪。前方へ逃げようとする乗客を射殺。
Scene 7
The escape. The desperadoes board the locomotive with their booty, command the engineer to start his machine, and disappear in the distance.機関車を奪い、逃走。右から左へ移動。
Scene 8
Off to the mountains. The robbers bring the engine to a stop several miles from the scene of the `Hold Up,' and take to the mountains. 汽車を捨てて、逃げていく強盗をカメラが追跡。
Pan, Tilting
Scene 9
A beautiful scene in a valley. The bandits come down the side of a hill on a run and cross a narrow stream. Mounting their horses, which were tied to nearby trees, they vanish into the wilderness.金を持った強盗たちが川を渡る。
Scene 10
Interior of telegraph office. The operator lies bound and gagged on the floor. After a desperate struggle, he succeeds in standing up. Leaning on the table, he telegraphs for assistance by manipulating the key with his chin, and then faints from exhaustion. His little daughter enters.... cuts the ropes, and, throwing a glass of water in his face, restores him to consciousness. Arising in a bewildered manner, he suddenly recalls his thrilling experience, and rushes forth to summon assistance.少女が駅で縛られている駅員を発見。
Scene 11
Interior of a dance hall.... typical Western dance house scene.... Suddenly the door opens and the half dead telegraph operator staggers in. The crowd gathers around him, while he relates what has happened.... The men secure their guns and hastily leave in pursuit of the outlaws.ダンス・パーティを楽しんでいた保安官たちに事件が伝えられ捜査開始。
Scene 12
The posse in pursuit. Shows the robbers dashing down a rugged mountain at a terrible pace, followed closely by a large posse, both parties firing as they proceed. One of the desperadoes is shot....画面上から下に向かって、馬に乗って追跡をしていると、強盗団とはぐれた犯人一人と遭遇し射殺。
Scene 13
The remaining three bandits, thinking they had eluded their pursuers, have dismounted from their horses.... [and] begin to examine the contents of the mail bags.... The pursuers, having left their horses, steal noiselessly down upon them until they are completely surrounded. A desperate battle then takes place. After a brave stand, all of the robbers and several of the posse bite the dust.逃げおおせたと油断している強盗団を保安官たちが画面上から下に向かって包囲。追っ手に気づいた強盗団との銃撃戦。強盗一味は全滅。

Scene 14
Realism. Full frame of Barnes, leader of the outlaw band, taking aim and firing point blank at the audience. 死んだはずの強盗の首領が一人登場。スクリーンを見ている観客に向けて、拳銃を6発発砲し、弾がきれてからも、なお引き金を引き続ける