Illustrated Guide for Raymond Roussel @by Shiro Takahashi@¨

It is instructive to contrast Roussel's writings with those of Jules Verne. While Verne's scientific novel "Extraordinary Journeys" is a vision of what everyday life might someday become, and its prophecies are being borne out in the real world around us 100 years after it was written, Roussel's novels express a lofty, intellectually integrated fantasy world that 100 years later, serves as an analogy for the contemporary realm of cyberspace. Roussel psychiatricized science and technology.

  "Impressions d'Afrique"

Raymond Roussel authored the bizarre and fantastic work of novelistic imagination "Impressions of Africa" in 1910. It is a tale of the coronation of Talu VIIAEmperor of Ponukele, at which the nature-based arts of Africa and the scientific arts of Europe are placed in competition with one another.
The coronation of Talu VII, on that 25th June.
Chapter 1:

at Trophies Square of Ejur
Zouave tombstone
a stone-coloured building
three life-size statues
a cabin without a door
a rubber tree
a marble-coloured alter
a giantic palm tree
a vertical cylinder
a red theatre
a wooden pedestal
Chapter 2:
a huge axe
a growing rod
a gold pin
Entrance and Ceremony
Chapter 3:
Gala performance "Mechanics"
The four Bucharessas brothers
The fencing engine
trip through the air
the automatic orchestra
The gigantic button-stick
The worm and a zither
Chapter 4:
Gala performance "Linguistics"
TaluVII performed Aubade
The lecture of the Electors of Brandenburg
The lecture of the sturgeon-skate
Tabcred Bucharessas company
Cuijper's Squeaker
The great tragic actress
Chapter 5:
Gala performance "Linguistics"
five tableau vivants
Dance of the Nymph
Song feat of valor
Chapter 6:
at the plain "Nonlinear"
Alcot family's Polyphony
at the Tez river
Sirdah's recovery
The river stream controled loom
The ripple picture in the river
The fireworks
Chapter 7:
Seil Kor's recovery "Metacognition"
Psychedelic Plants and Movie Therap
Collaboration "Metacognition"
The tragic mime: Romeo and Juliet
The embryo of a picture in a seed
Chapter 8:
Finale "Living Art"
Marine biology
Image memory plant
Award and leave
Chapter 9:
the next morning "Artificial Art"
The digital photography system

Chapter 10-26:@


  "Locus Solus"

In his 1914 novel "Locus Solus", the Pabilions of art built on a hillside near Paris by scientist Martial Canterel is the site of Canterel' unveiling of the results of his own resrarch. The four elements of air, water, earth and fire play a prominent role in these works, along with other timeless themes such as life and death.
"Earth" a steeply sloping path
a small stone shrine
teracotta figurine : from Africa
three reliefs : from Europ


a broad promende
les demoiselle
Den Rytter


a gigantic diamond
seven nautical objects
chariot of Apollon


a gigantic cage of glass

a gigantic cage of glass
plots of Eight Cadavers


a little stone edifice
Egroizard : sick-man
twelve figures, made of rubber skin
a thin Pharaoh's serpent
speech synthesis


a river bordered by rocks
Felicite : old-beggar-woman
a bunch of nettles
theole of Placets


a vast and romantic glade

Noel : fortune-teller
Mopsus : cock


¨Chronological record
¨Roulotte automobile
¨Roussel Travel to Japan

¨list of technology
¨list of episode


2016 Aichi Triennale

2016 Musee du Quai Branly Paris